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David Stuckenberg Announces Presidential Campaign
David Stuckenberg announces presidential run to return to America’s foundations
PLYMOUTH, Mass. — David Stuckenberg, a Major in the US Air Force-Air National Guard, has entered the Republican race for the Presidency of the United States. Stuckenberg, a business executive and military strategist, entrepreneur, inventor, decorated veteran Air Force pilot who has flown more than 150 combat missions and founder of Genesis Systems, an innovative company helping solve global water scarcity, has announced the launch of his campaign today, November 8, in Plymouth, MA.
Here is the text of David Stuckenberg’s announcement for the Presidency of the United States:
“Good morning, it’s a privilege to be with so many of my wonderful friends here in Plymouth today. This is one of America’s most sacred sites. A safe harbor for the voyagers of the Mayflower and the 102 founders of the Plymouth Colony who fled The Crown’s persecution to find refuge. A land of new hope and promise.”
“Here among the timeless shrines including Plymouth Rock, this Colony, and the beautiful Monument to our Founding Fathers, is a statue of Faith. Her gaze is fixed toward heaven and our creator — the source of everlasting hope. In God, our hope is well placed in these trying times.”
“These monuments stand to honor the acts of courage and faith which 403 years ago laid the cornerstones of our great nation. These brave men, women, and children understood as did our Constitution’s Framers that the investment of power in a single person leads to tyranny and oppression. This was not our creator’s plan for humanity.”
“I’ve also been told we’re in America’s first community center. Perhaps the first-place politics occurred in the Colonies. So, my friends, it’s important be clear, this is the place where all our political troubles began (…on this-side of the ocean). I’m kidding of course, this was the model for America. A template for civics and community. But the political situation we’re in today sort of reminds me of something…
“It reminds me of the man who took his son out to teach him how to play golf. The boy hit the ball and it took a giant divot out of an ant hive and with it many of the ants. He hit another ball, and the next went through the middle of the hive. Pretty soon most of the colony was gone. So, one of the ants looked at the other and said, ‘I don’t know what’s coming next, but I think we need to get on the ball.’ Our nation must get politics in hand. NOW. Because we’re living in serious times.”
“When I think about our nation’s precarious situation, I am reminded of Psalm 27:1 that says:
‘Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.’”
“As we labor in the pursuit of happiness, we must never forget this admonition. Even with the best builders and a powerful military, our nation must return to its foundations, or we will continue to drift into darkness. A government by and for the people must be subject to the people whom it serves and protects; and they in turn should rely on their creator for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.”
“With so many years removed from tyranny like our forefathers experienced, we might not find cruelty very relatable. Yet, we only need to read the headlines to feel its hot breath on our face. Around the world, darkness and destruction is rising. These are like the rising armies of Mordor described in The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Evil armies once defeated, lie dormant awaiting a new strong man to revive and give them the power to destroy nations and peoples. They are preparing to march on the free lands of man.
“Tyranny, when unchecked becomes judge, jury, and executioner. It kills, steals, and destroys. It denies justice, abolishes unity, and extinguishes faith, hope, and freedom. Tyranny works in all dimensions to undermine trust in what is right; what is just; and what is true. Tyranny’s motives are never benevolent. Its means are fear, its ends are absolute control over human freewill.”
“Today, the global order established by the Treaty of Westphal in the 1600s is besieged. This system of shared values based on a mutual respect for life, goodwill, and liberty is being overcome by established and rogue states generating destructive waves. These waves reinforce and amplify the shared purpose of other revisionist states to weaken and overcome the United States of America, our allies, and or partners. They seek the destruction of freedom’s last safe harbor — we are that safe harbor.”
“A nation at strife with itself cannot resist evil. It will surrender to the will of others from exhaustion. A weak and demoralized nation is a nation that cannot stand for liberty. A broken nation is fertile ground that cultivates history’s strong men and tyrants. The manner of men who — when taken together — have broken and killed billions of innocents in the pursuit of power, vanity, and prestige.
“As these waves crash against upon the shores of our homeland, our peaceful lands are being flooded. The waters of tyranny are rising around us. These waters threaten to wash away the foundations of our Republic and democracy itself as they push aside our laws, justice, peace, goodwill, tolerance, morality, and our trust in one another. The aim of this revisionist block is to make America irrelevant.”
“In some cases, their destructive activities can be seen. While in others, these nefarious efforts are unseen. As these forces crash against our shores, they are colliding with our foundation stones: life, liberty, justice, goodness, and the unity of our people.”
“We know that once tyranny has bent a nation, it moves next to extinguish freewill. Homer once said, ‘History is the oracle of truth.’ As we consider the times, I’m reminded of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, a Jewish man who became Clergy in the Underground Church in Romania (behind Russia’s Iron Curtain). The Communist government decided it wanted to control his congregation, he was given an ultimatum: turn-over the names and contacts or face torture. He chose torture. For 14 years Pastor Wurmbrand endured indescribable pain.”
“In the 1950s after being ransomed for $10,000, he came to America and testified shirtless before the US Congress. His body bore the scars of more than a decade of torture. This is what he warned:
‘Every Freedom-loving man has two fatherlands: his own and America. Today, America is the hope of every enslaved man, because it is the last baston of freedom in the world. Only America has the power and spiritual resources to stand as a barrier between militant Communism and the people of the world. It is the last ‘dike’ holding back the rampaging floodwaters of militant Communism. If it crumbles, there is no other dike, no other dam; no other line of defense to fall back upon.’”
“My friends and fellow patriots, we must never tire in our struggle against tyranny and evil. Because evil is only stopped when it strikes against a united people — immovable in their resolve to defeat it. They must be fortified with moral courage to resist for as long as it takes. No matter what it takes.”
“Not so long ago, Ronald Reagan said of Communism,
‘We’re at war with most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars, and it’s been said if we lose that war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening. Well, I think it’s time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the founding fathers… And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except sovereign people, is still the newest and the most unique in all the long history of man’s relation to man. This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon The American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.’”
“It’s been less than a generation since Reagan uttered these famous words. There is truly nothing new under the sun.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, revisionist forces have pushed deeply into our society and homes. Now we can’t in certain companies refer to basic natural genders without anger and confusion. When in human history has society fallen so far from common sense and survived?
“The 2024 Presidential Election distills not just the future of this nation but its very survival. We are on the horns of perhaps the greatest strategic dilemma in America’s short history. We can no longer talk about or promise positive change. We must DO change.”
“Internally, we face radicals and revolutionaries working to turn our Republic inside out with political strife and planned campaigns of revenge. Externally, we face a powerful bloc of revisionist states including China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea working to toss international stability and weaken and ultimately defeat America.
“If we allow our government to be taken off its feet by radical disruptive change over the next four years — our enemies will close ranks and exert power not only over America, but our friends, and our allies — while we’re in chaos. This is why our adversaries are attempting to influence our elections. They benefit from our strife. Their desire is to win without fighting.
“We are just months away from the 2024 Presidential Election, but this campaign is far from settled. The American people are restless; we are waiting for a dark horse. For a DARK KNIGHT to wrestle back our nation from the clutches of evil. Because we need a shield.”
“Year after year, neither candidate on the left nor right are addressing genuinely valid voter concerns. With no candidates offering original ideas and the ability to stabilize our nation, the American electorate is ready to leave behind hollow rhetoric, radical partisan divisions, and support fresh intelligent ideas and bold actions. All supported by common sense.
“My friends, help is on the way!”
“It’s time to re-focus on Reform. America needs reasonable leaders who will do reasonable things. A political outsider with character — a man of steel. One of us for all of us. Someone who has a reservoir of resolve, no evil can overcome.
“We must have someone who understands during the next four years, we must do more than deliver platitudes, promises, and political hits. Results must be delivered. And this person must unite our nation. Because if we fail to unite, our Republic will fall.
“Our task, should we choose to accept it is to find a President who can manage the complex international environment and strengthen and heal our nation at the same time. It’s a reasonable requirement for the world’s most important elected office. We need a President who can land the jet rather than fall off — or crash it chasing a personal interest.
“We must have authentic leadership. We are disappointed from being lied to and having our intelligence insulted with ‘carefully crafted narratives.’ Narratives are designed to evade truth and obscure facts. We want truth.”
“My friends, what I can deliver for America is a program designed to assemble the best talent and minds to form a Turn-Around Team for our nation’s government — rather than another cabinet of indifferent political partisans. My team will rapidly move our nation from dysfunction to high function. We must have America’s Avengers on point. I will assemble them. If you are one of these Avengers, pack your bags. You’ll be getting a call.
“But moving to high-functioning governance means implementing a program of patent reforms rather than damaging convulsions. It means focusing on performance and outcomes, not parties, politics, and vengeance.”
“Today, we pay more in taxes, fall under more regulations, and receive less in return for enduring the daily headache of an engorged government than at any time in history – except for before the Declaration of Independence.
“I know we can turn our government around. Our Constitution is sound. It is the bedrock of our ability to check human ambition and tyranny. So, I will focus on protecting the Constitution rather than tunneling through or going around it.
“I will be a performance focused leader who offers fresh ideas and complete solutions to our problems, rather than suggested improvements. America’s challenges are massive, and they are compounding. We must solve issues like our anemic military, runaway illegal immigration, and a self-destructing economy and runaway inflation. These must be solved NOW!
“And we can solve them. It’s just that we’ve lived under bad government for so long, we seem to have forgotten how to demand from it what we require!”
“It’s time to make those demands. But our ability to return America’s health distills to one thing: CHARACTER.
“Character is the material that makes a person a good and just soul. It’s comprised of, among other things, altruistic motives, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, faith, and courage. Actions, not words, tell us about the character of a person. Because actions speak louder than words. What we do matters the most, not what we say. “
“My friends, we are at a tipping point: And these things: faith, vision, and character will determine our future as a nation. The troubling character of our age requires a special kind of character to lead this nation. It requires character that has been forged.
Therefore, we must have:
- A president with faith, vision, and good moral character.
- A president who has the ability to unify our nation.
- A president who respects our Constitution.
- A president who leads with fresh and powerful new ideas and solutions.
- A president who can form a turn-around team of America’s best talent.
- A president who has deep national security experience.
- A president who is young and strong with health and stamina.
- A president who will bring America back into safety and prosperity.
- A president who will lower our taxes and regulations on all citizens, businesses, and industries.
- A president who will reduce the size of the federal government.
- A president who will solve our illegal immigration
- A president who will lead by example and re-instill honor and values and COMMON-SENSE into our federal government and society.
If previous generations had a TIME OF CHOOSING: this is ours. If America does not elect leaders with the right faith, character, and vision for our nation, we will, like Rome, ripen to the principle of decay. That is to say, ‘we will be in a perpetual state of decline.’”
“Only we can prevent this…
“In science, the first principles are foundational assumptions upon which all other scientific knowledge is built. These are considered self-evident or basic truths not derived from any other assumptions or principles.
Our nation’s FIRST PRINCIPLES are contained in the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed…
“These founding ideas including others from the Magna Carta and Mayflower Compact, informed a US Constitution that boldly put the selection of the President of the United States upon our shoulders. Yours and mine! I would submit that we hardly comprehend the power we have in our hands. How great is this responsibility?”
“We the people, must deeply understand the character of our next President, and what they represent. They will lead us during a period of instability unlike any since WWII. Because if we insist upon our keeping our freedom, we will be targeted by powers the likes of which the world has not known since humans first gathered.
“Notwithstanding our power as citizens, over time, we have allowed monied interests, special interests, and elites (better known as the establishment) to re-assert a form of tyranny whereby you and I are appropriated groomed and “approved” candidates that leave us shocked and amazed — and habitually disappointed.
Do not lose heart! I am reminded by the words of Winston Churchill who said,
‘When you find yourself in Hell – KEEP GOING!’”
“We are being told to cede our freedom. But we must never settle. For a little rest and reprieve today, just hand over a little more control and things will be better. And now we find ourselves in deep decline. We are amazed at the speed of our falling. What does it mean? I believe it means…
“We can no longer abide establishment candidates, or political elites wedded to partisan positions at the expense of the people. The confidence of our nation’s citizens is fading. Many are beginning to doubt the most incredible experiment ever undertaken by man.
“We must water the Tree of Liberty not with the blood of patriots, but with the sensible actions of an engaged, committed, and unified electorate to select and elect a President from among us. This was the intent of our founders: ‘One of us for all of us.’”
“As an imperfect person of faith; a military veteran of 20 plus years who has seen intense combat the world over; a father to my five children; husband to my wife Shannon; a manager to a small business with global impact; a scientist and inventor; and a national security strategist — I believe with great certainty that we must return our nation to the ‘first principles.’ NOW! Before it is too late.”
“So how can we do this? First and foremost, a government that derives just power from the consent of the governed must deliver tangible results for the American people.”
“For the United States, this nation has always valued humility above arrogance, charity above cruelty, engagement above cold indifference; and unity above strife. America does not rally to those who coronate themselves. We the people are an independent and free people; we see things for what they are.”
“So, we choose freedom. We choose strength. We choose stability. We choose hope. We choose a future. We choose our Faith and our God. We choose values and common sense. We choose these and other things to return to align with the purpose of this nation — directed by the hand of providence.”
“My name is DAVID, I am the father of five hopeful young Americans, a husband of 19 years to my beautiful wife Shannon; a small business owner for nearly a decade, a soldier and veteran combat pilot; an international security strategist, and domestic and international policy expert, and a leader.
“I’m someone like you. I’ve hit my finger with a hammer. I’ve received speeding tickets. I’ve grumbled when the dry cleaners burned my clothes. I’ve almost forgotten anniversaries. I’ve dropped choice civilian words when no other expression would do. I’ve attended AA meetings with broken people who needed my compassion and support. And I’ve experienced hunger and homelessness – from the impact of poverty and injustice.
“I have suffered with you through devastating economic times, I’ve watched regulation suffocate business and kill opportunities; I have wept with those who weep, and laughed with those who laugh. And I have done all that I can as a citizen of this land to uplift, heal, overcome and work to solve some of the most complex challenges of our time including Water Security and emerging threats to the Security of our Homeland. Threats that would tear away our way of life in an instant.”
“Besides my faith and family, I am most proud of time I have spent with my fellow service members in harm’s way around the world defending our home from danger and those who wish to control us and take away our freedom.
“Over time, like you, I have looked on astonished as the land we love and cherish is run into the ground by corrupt politicians and special interests and tyranny has been allowed to take up residence inside our borders and in our government. In concert, these have happily traded away our future for self-advancement and greed. Their legacy is shame and embarrassment.”
“We require leadership that can land the plane. We can provide that for our nation.
“We require leadership that can unite us, not just appeal to our base instincts. We can provide that for our nation.
“Leadership aspires to rid a nation of cynicism when everything says — ‘I can’t change anything.’
“Leadership fights disillusionment when everything says, ‘Let’s give up.’
“Leadership lifts people.
“Leadership binds us together.
“Leadership renews our vision and reminds us that we can make a better life together without exacting revenge.
“Leadership says we can rediscover our purpose and stand as a beacon of freedom around the world.”
“Come alive again to what it is to be part of one of the greatest nations on earth!
“You and I are Americans. We stand for what is right, just, and true!
“This is our time to CHOOSE: I can say without a doubt — we must unite! We must stand together!”
“When we unite, tyrants cannot drive us apart.
“When we unite, external powers cannot take us down.
“When we unite, we re-discover our compassion and the better part of ourselves.
“The part that we all admire! It is time again to hold our heads high and embrace one another in friendship.”
“My name is DAVID Stuckenberg, and Today, I formally declare my candidacy for The President of the United States of America so I can work to unite this nation and achieve results that will uplift this and future generations!
“I ask all freedom loving Americans to join with me in this moment and in this movement. I will need your help as we face the GIANTS!
“As we boldly stand, remember, Failure is NEVER an option. This is our time to CHOOSE and WE CHOSE TO BE UNITED!”
“I will always keep faith with my God and you, my fellow citizens.”
“May God Bless you and may God Bless America.”
David Stuckenberg is an executive and military strategist, entrepreneur, inventor, decorated veteran Air Force pilot, founder of Genesis Systems, an innovative company helping solve global water scarcity. He holds a Ph.D. in international affairs at King’s College London. He and his wife, Shannon, and their five children, reside in Tampa, FL.
Learn more about David Stuckenberg at www.davidstuckenberg.com.
To interview Presidential Candidate David Stuckenberg, contact Media@HamiltonStrategies.com, Beth Bogucki, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Rich Jefferson at rjefferson@hamiltonstrategies.com.
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