One Of Us,
For All Of Us
On The Issues
The United States is engaged in a great power competition to determine the future of the world-order. The United States must present a powerful and cohesive national security strategy. Power is the language of international affairs. Strongly worded letters from the State Department are an embarrassment to the United States of America. We must have substance behind what we say.
The United States grand strategy will be called Prevention.
It will focus on preventing the United States from being overcome from the inside and out in five Dimensions:
- Diplomatic
- Informational
- Military
- Economic
- Social
David Stuckenberg has 20.5 years of experience as a special operations officer and national security strategist. He has advised and developed our National Security strategy at all levels from the front-line to the White House.
He will never compromise our national security. It is the bedrock of our nation’s stability and the people’s peace and tranquility. We must ensure that our nation’s military is the most powerful on earth and that our military culture rewards merit — not woke policies that weaken.
The economy is the basis for our national security. It is the engine that allows Americans to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. It must be protected and cultivated in a way that allows the market to drive expansion and growth.
United States taxpayers are in need of rapid relief from inflation and taxes. To provide the fuel for growth, we will immediately reduce all U.S. tax brackets by 33%. This will allow citizens and businesses to keep more of their income and offset runaway inflation. It will also drive growth as people will be incentivized to produce more as they will retain earnings.
I will eliminate the inheritance tax. This tax destroys the ability to pass on wealth.
What harms our economy most is a government interfering with the invisible hand of the free market. David has been an entrepreneur since he was 11 years old, and grown companies from zero to hundreds of millions of dollars. He has been on point on key national and international economic issues including water, investment, and innovation which drives America’s strategic and technological advantage.
The United States must not succumb to the failed idea of multi-culturalism which has badly damaged Europe’s economy and the internal stability of multiple nations. This issue must be SOLVED, not edited.
Want immigration solved? Here’s how in two steps:
- Use the military (under Title 32) to close our borders to stop the influx.
- Provide illegals already here a 60 day period to register, undergo a health screening, and a background check. They may register with NGO and victim advocates or any post-office.
These steps will add an estimated 8-10 million people to the US tax base. Set people free from trafficking and slavery. And rise to a better version of ourselves to care for and help those in need.
The American people deserve status updates on issues that need to be solved. We are dying a death of a thousand cuts.
In 2024, “WE THE PEOPLE” will decide the President of the United States.
- That President will have experience, faith, and character.
- That President will be someone who will unify our nation.
- That President will be someone who respects our constitution.
- That President will form a turn-around team of America’s best.
- That President will be young, strong, and have health and stamina.
- That President will bring our nation back into safety and prosperity.
- That President will have deep national security experience.
- That President will lower our taxes and regulations on all people, businesses, and industries.
- That President will reduce the size of the federal government.
- That President will lead by example and will install values back into government.
Why We Support David
A fine and brave American IJ.S. Airforce aviator, David Stuckenberg, is running for President to protect the powerless. More than just an aerospace inventor, and Military Advisor, Stuckenberg is a National Treasure.
David Stuckenberg is one of the most humanitarian focused business professionals I have met since coming to America from Vietnam after the war. His experience and understanding Of business, economy, and advanced technologies, is second to no one.
l am writing to express my strong support for presidential candidate David Stuckenberg. In these challenging times, our nation needs intelligent leaders who are not only willing but eager to address the core problems eroding our great nation. DaVidStuckenberg…